How do we work?

1.2 billion people around the world don’t have access to the Internet despite living in an area with Internet coverage, because they are unable to pay for it. We allow individuals to sponsor the devices and connectivity for the less fortunate. 

Our educational partners, like the University of Geneva, MIT ReAct, and others, provide skills development programs to future developers, designers, teachers, and healthcare workers. Together, we purchase and distribute laptops to their students from refugee settlements and underserved local communities, in order for them to continue self-improvement and access job opportunities after they’ve completed the course. 

Our partners also include organizations like TT Global and Close the Gap, which collects pre-owned IT devices from European corporations, and refurbishes them, giving them a second life. This allows us to purchase high-quality laptops in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner.




We continuously measure our impact

We interview our students and update you on the changes in their lives in our monthly reports. 

Most important of all, we conduct a quantitative longitudinal study to measure the changes in the educational outcomes, self-assesment, general and mental being, computer skills of our students. Here are our preliminary results. 


Feels more confident in their ability to achieve success in school


Uses online courses more frequently


Improves their computer skills


Uses the Internet to learn a foreign language


More students use email for communication


improves their mental well-being 

Our local partners also provide training and mentorship for our students. For example, offers training sessions in media literacy, financial literacy and online education, as well as constant technical-educational support, free access to educational resources and platforms of our partners. Find out more about what we do to support our students.
