I donated to GiveInternet because the Internet, to me, is the best source of education. As their consultant on the Khan Academy Georgia project, I know the team well, I am aware of their enthusiasm and sense of responsibility and I am confident that they can find the best use of each penny donated.
The fact that the Give Internet team works with such transparency and dedication fills me with optimism. I feel like this is a group of passionate people who accumulated valuable experience in educational projects, saw a clear need for this project, developed a strategy and executed it all very professionally.
I was lucky enough to have my own computer and Internet access from a young age, but there are still nearly 3 billion people in the world who have neither. Now access to the Internet isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for education and personal growth. This is why I've decided to support GiveInternet.org's mission by contributing $200 from my website profit.