Achievement Stories

Some of our students have already changed the course of their lives thanks to the Internet, be it new passions, professions, or academic degrees. We add new stories monthly so check in for more stories on the magic of the Internet! 

Tamar, 16, is one of our most active, sociable beneficiaries, with big plans to fight against injustice.

Well, actually she is already fighting:

Some of my teachers have decided that I’m impolite, as I’m very impulsive and can’t put up with unjust situations without expressing my opinions. But is someone’s bullying or treating others unfairly, I can’t stand idly and sometimes tend to be over-expressive. I’m trying to be very patient when expressing my opinions, but sometimes I’m too pissed.

To fight against injustice professionally, Tamar wants to study law and become a detective or an agent. Before she was considering going to a military academy, but then decided that she can be more effective and do better things by studying law. She’s also considering doing both.

Currently she’s actively participating in various youth projects and mock trials. Getting to know new and interesting people is her favorite part of the whole process. This is mostly why she finds the Internet and her new laptop helpful – before she had to download and work on the files on her phone, she was less engaged or informed and felt a bit left out. Now staying in touch and up to date is easier.

The Internet is also helping her find new passions. Tamar likes watching movies, especially psychological films and detectives. She thinks that they give her perspective on other people and how to interact with them.

Tamar believes that being active makes your life more interesting. She finds opening up with other people very easy and loves to connect – she believes that the positive energy you send out always comes back to you. Maybe a bit late, but always.

And take a peek this wonderful interview with Tamar.


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