September 2021 - Monthly Update


Thank you for sticking with us! 

We started working in the impoverished Chiatura region in Western Georgia in February. Since then, more than 200 students have been equipped with laptops and Internet. Last September we welcomed 44
 more students to our project!
See how your money was spent:
Transparency report
Meet some of our newest students:
View all pictures from September
Read about the changes in the lives of our students, in their own words. Keti, 18

Lately I’ve been excited about books - I dedicate most of my time to literature. And the Internet really helps - I’ve found so many books online that I couldn’t get my hands on before.

The Internet helped me discover my hidden powers, the ones that brighten my everyday life. I want to study psychology. I think it’ll help me better manage my life and help so many people, and I’m sure the Internet will help me achieve my goal. I think it’s crucial to set goals and fight for them. 

Our team would like to remind you that your donation will be automatically charged from your account on the 5th of every month. Thank you for your contribution!