We are serving our students through our local partners. You can choose to sponsor a specific project or donate to the general fund and leave it up to us to distribute the funds based on what our local teams need.
Giving Internet to students in rural Georgia

This is where it all began in 2017 - Our co-founders were working on localizing some of the best educational content into Georgian. Among others, the Georgia-based team has localized thousands of videos and millions of words for Khan Academy.
But the team soon realized that the students who needed those resources the most lacked Internet access.
In 2017, our co-founders created a local platform, where Georgians could sponsor Internet access and laptops for high school students in need. The project took off so well that our team started working on an international version of the platform - and so was born!
To this day, thanks to 4500+ donors and joint efforts with our local partner, up to 2000 students are online.
They mostly reside in settlements for Internally Displaced Persons (refugees from the 2008 Russo-Georgian war), villages by the line of Russian occupation, and other rural areas.
The team equips the students with everything they need to make the most of the Internet: mentorship, guidebooks, training in media literacy, financial literacy, and online education, and free access to a range of educational platforms from our partners.
How The Money is Spent?
In pursuit of transparency, we not only maintain meticulous financial records but also extend this commitment to showcasing student stories and providing visual footage. Here's where you can find all of our monthly reports, as well as all the necessary up-to-date financial statements.
Transparency report